Maternity Protection

As a student, you will support your lecturers in implementing the accident prevention and health protection provisions.
You will follow the approved safety rules and instructions of the lecturer in relation to occupational safety and health protection.

SSHE cares for a healthy and safe working environment at ETH and advises you in health protection issues.

As an expectant mother, you and your child have the right to special health protection. Please contact the Safety, Security, Health and Environment Department (SSHE) already if you plan to become pregnant, at the latest if you become aware of your pregnancy so that they can carry out an individual risk assessment of your work/study space at an early stage. The purpose of a risk assessment is to exclude any possible health risks for mother and child by taking the appropriate protective measures. Upon request, the risk assessment is carried out confidentially.

Health risks for mother and child

The SSHE Downloadleaflet on pregnancy and breastfeeding (PDF, 174 KB) provides detailed information on the possible health hazards and risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are exposed to such a risk, contact the SSHE Department. You can also find a list of prohibited tasks in the external pagematernity protection brochure of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).


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